We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at St. Gertrude's Ministry Center
(6214 N. Glenwood), beginning at 8:00 p.m. Folks are welcome to join us at anytime.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Words of admittance.

I am proud to be an American.

I believe in it’s institutions, ideals and traditions.

I glory in its heritage.

I boast of its history.

I trust in its future.

--Mike Masaoka, internee as a result of President F. D. Roosevelt’s executive order to isolate the potential enemy within. Later staff sergeant for 442nd Combat Team in WWII. Then civil rights advocate.

I too am proud to be an American.

I believe in its institutions, ideals and traditions.

I too glory in its heritage, boast of its history, and

I too trust in its future.

I have prepared myself to cross the line onto Ft. Benning. I do so for solidarity. I do so in the faith. I ask that the institution of the SOA/WHINSEC stop purporting to teach democracy and civil rights. I cherish the ideals of democracy and the traditions of civil rights. As a citizen, I thereby withdraw my consent of the institution.

With a clear conscience I am risking arrest in my action tomorrow. I do so because of my faith in my Creator who bestowed me with certain inalienable rights, and my belief that “in order to secure these rights, Governments were created by men.” These words echo the Declaration of Independence which concluded with the signatories bold statement: “For the support of this declaration, with firm belief in the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.” With this same fervid desire to support the declaration upon which the United States stands, I offer this action as a symbol of solidarity by which I stake my life, my fortune and my sacred honor.

I announce the virtue of solidarity in this action, a practice that since I lived briefly in El Salvador has become less fashionable since 9-11, yet more necessary, more s

This year the co-commandant of SOA/WHINSEC is from Mexico. This couples with the past year’s $20 million increase in the securitization of the US-Mexico border, to demonstrate a significant time to resisist at the SOA/WHINSEC. We already know that the so-called drug war is proliferated by US interests, substantially culpable since the SOA/WHINSEC trained 2/3 of the Los Zetas cartel members. This year the principal symbol of US fear, in reaction to the battleground Juarez…was none other than SB 1070, the Arizona law stayed by an injunction order filed by the Justice Department. Much like the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, SB 1070 made possible the criminalization of any person of mulatto skin tone.

If arrested I will decline to give my name but will present:


For the dead and the living we must bear witness

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

"(inside jacket) This card tells the story of a real person who lived during the Holocaust.

"Name: Zigmond Adler

Date of Birth: July 18, 1936

Place of Birth: Liege, Belgium

"Zigmond’s parents were Czechoslovakian Jews who had emigrated to Belgium. His mother, Rivka, was a shirtmaker. She had come to Belgium as a young woman to find a steady job, following her older brother, Jermie, who had moved his family to Liege several years earlier. In Liege, Rivka met and married Otto Adler, a businessman. The couple looked forward to raising a family.

"1933-1939: Zigmond was born to the Adlers in 1936, but his mother died one year later. His father remarried, but the marriage didn’t last. Zigmond’s father then married for a third time, and soon Zigmond had a new half-sister and a stable family life. As a boy, Zigmond often visited is Uncle Jermie’s family, who lived just a few blocks away.

"1940-44: Zigmond was 3 when te Germans occupied Belgium. Two years later, the Germans deported his father for forced labor. After that, Zigmond’s stepmother left Liege, giving Zigmond to Uncle Jermie and daunt Chaje. When the Nazis began rounding up Jews in Liege, some of Uncle Jermie’s Catholic friends helped them get false papers that hid their Jewish identity and rented them a house in a nearby village. Two years later, early one Sunday morning, the Gestapo came to the house. They suspected Jews were living there.

"Zigmond, his aunt and two cousins were sent to the Mechelen internment camp and then to Auschwitz, where 7-year-old Zigmond was gassed on May 21, 1944."

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