We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at St. Gertrude's Ministry Center
(6214 N. Glenwood), beginning at 8:00 p.m. Folks are welcome to join us at anytime.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The State of the Uighurs

There has been plenty of Guantanamo news coverage this week, and yet, we must remember that nothing has changed for the detainees. (Only 2 have been released since Obama's inauguration.) Even while President Obama holds firm to his commitment to close the detention center, the scare tactics continue. Its latest perpetrators and victims: 90 U.S. Senators (thanks for the email, Cassie) who voted to block funding to close Guantanamo and to ensure that no detainees will be released or transferred into the United States. You might ask, "What about the 17 Uighurs who are not 'enemy combatants' and were ordered released years ago?" The Financial Times reports that the Guantanamo panel recommends their prompt release into the U.S., while AFP reports that two Massachusetts Congressmen continue to advocate on their behalf. Meanwhile, the Uighur community in Virginia prepares for their arrival (see this short video from Al-Jazeera news).

If you're interesting in keeping up with the news on Guantanamo, I suggest following Andy Worthington's blog. He'll alert you to major news stories, and he'll provide insightful context and commentary.

Let's continue to pray and fast for "the release of those bound unjustly" (Isaiah 58:6) and for a quick end to the fear-mongering and misinformation that continues to proliferate so many news sources. May God give us the grace to respond to Jesus, who invites us to "be not afraid" and to love our neighbor and welcome the stranger.

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